The Vortex UFB unit has been designed to release ultra-fineoxygen bubbles into a storage tank and other foms of waterholding systems.The unit consists of a pump,filter,checkvalve,venturi,pre-mixer,cone-vortex combination,in-lineDissolved Oxygen(DO)-sensor,pressure sensor,oxygen concentrator and a control box.This all mounted on a frame.
The Vortex unit scrubs the air for oxygen.Through the patent-pending vortex technology it applies force to the oxygen,pulverizing the O₂ into the irrigation water,and creating NanoBubbles.By doing this the O₂ stays in suspension even whengoing through several process of an irrigation system.
What are nano-bubbles? What are nano-bubbles?
Nano-bubbles are tiny spherical cap-shaped bubbles with diameters less than 100 nm that have the ability to change the normal characteristics of water.They have several unique physical and mechanical features,including stability,high internal pressure,extremely large surface/volume ratio,high oxygen dissolution rate,and generation of free radicals.The peculiar attributes of nano-bubbles has led to their .wide application and utilization in various agricultural applications which are proven to be with high economic potential.
The science behind nano-bubbles
An ordinary bubble(1 mm diameter)will quickly rise to the waters surface and collapse.Based on the Brownian Motion Particle Theory,nano-bubbles will randomly drift and remain in liquids for an extended period of time without being affected by buoyancy.
Nano-bubbles produce Reactive Oxygen Species ROS).These oxygen radicals and hydroxyl radicals help to eliminate hard to kill pathogens.
At 1-billionth of a meter,nano-bubbles can delve deep into surface imperfections that even micrometer size bubbles cannot reach.
Nano-bubbles dig out and remove dirt and odors,leaving a clean surface behind.
The Vortex device
Nano bubbles help organisms absorb oxygen and become more active.
Oxygen nano bubbles promote the growth of micro-organisms and expedite the breakdown of organic matter.
By improving the efficiencies of water treatment, growers can increase the nutrients uptake in plant, see improved plant health and root quality, and reduce the use of chemicals.
Oxygenation of irrigation water with nanobubbles
A high oxygen level in the irrigation water is very beneficial for the plants if it reaches the root zone.It is possible to supersaturate the water with oxygen gas up to 300%.Oxygen level and temperature of the water have a certain equilibrium.The colder the water the more oxygen (O₂)it can hold.The equilibrium level for water of 20 C(68 F)is 9mg/liter O₂.When the O₂ concentration in the water is lower than the equilibrium level and it is exposed to air it will take O₂ however if the O₂concentration is higher than the equilibrium level it will lose O₂.Through the movement of the irrigation water in pumps,tanks,pipes and sprinklers the O₂ above the equilibrium level will be lost before it reaches the root zone.
Nanobubbles are bubbles one billion times smaller than a meter.They are so small you cannot see them with the naked eye only with laser equipment.Nanobubbles are produced with special generators.A nanobubble has a negative zeta potential and the pressure inside the bubble is high.Normal gas bubbles will rise to the surface and collapse.Nanobubbles will not rise to the surface and will be suspended in the water for a long time and will be getting smaller over time and release there O₂ mostly in the water.Also,movement of the water will not nearly effect O₂ in nanobubbles as O₂ gas dissolved in water.
Nanobubbles in irrigation
With a nanobubble generator in combination with a O₂ concentrator it is possible to super saturate the irrigation water to >250% O₂ and keep that concentration stable fora long time because the O₂ nanobubbles will dissolve slowly in the irrigation water what gives a constant production of Reactive Oxygen Radicals (ROS).It will reach the root zone of the plants at a level between 150 and 200%saturation.
Main advantages of O₂ nanobubbles
Stable enhancement of Dissolved Oxygen (DO)