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Diffused Film

trajectories which are at various angles with respect to one another and to a horizontal plane). Diffused film has an advantage over clear film. Diffused light does not allow the shadow formation of the top layers of leaves to prevent essential light from reaching the lower leaves. The end result is the facilitation of an effective dispersion of total light to the darker areas inside the plant volume enhancing photosynthesis and hence the production of biomass. (As Figure 1).

Why choose diffused film:

The diffused film is very popular all over the world,which is widely used in France, Spain, Israel, Turkey,Australia, African countries etc., because the diffused film with uniform distribution of light is good for the plant’s photosynthesis. It is proved by experiments that, regardless of planting cucumber, tomato, or flowers, the diffused film can increase the yield of them.

The increased yield percentage is as follows: Cucumber(4-10%), Tomato(8-10%), Mixed Sweet Pep per(5%), Anthurium (25%). This increased yield is cau sed by the lights of diffused film, the diffusion lights are going to all parts of plant, making the photosynthesis more sufficient (As Figure 2 and 3).
Specification & Parameter