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Environment Control System

The facility agriculture environmental control software with completely independent intellectual property rights is perfectly compatible with the stand-alone systems of various manufacturers, providing exclusive customized services for various facility agriculture integrate suppliers.

Programming Language: C++ MFC


1. Climate manager

Optimum overview and control of the crop is important in greenhouse horticulture. With the climate computer , the greenhouse climate can be controlled in a very simple way. The result: excellent quality of every crop.

2. Dynamic Adjustable Setpoints (DAS)

With Dynamic Adjustable Setpoints it is possible for the grower to adjust really EVERY setting in a graphical way. It is a great benefit for the grower that it is now possible to program the influences on the set points by himself, from minute by minute. This allows him, with maximum flexibility, to take even better account of the user's own specific operating conditions and installation characteristics.

3. LCD control panel

The colour LCD control panel makes it easy and reliable to make the measurements and settings of one or more process computers transparent. The operation is robust, so that it can also be set up in dusty rooms. 

The transflective display ensures that the image always remains clear and visible with incident (sun)light.

4. SercoVision

SercoVision enables a clear overview of the control of all automated processes in the company. SercoVision runs on any PC following the Windows standard and is thus easy to review. SERCOM has also developed a package with options for SercoVision, making it possible to produce simple graphs and company summaries.
